How To Get Löve2D On Your Raspberry Pi

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RaspberryPi Gaming Programming

Löve2D is a simple and lightweight 2D Framework which you can use to program games in Lua

There is a official Löve2D package in the regular Debian/Raspbian repositorys which is called love but it is rather outdated as it is the version 9 of the framework. To get the newest version we will have to compile it ourself.

Get The Sources

The sourcecode of the project is hosted on Bitbucket and uses the mercurial revision control tool which is quite similiar to git. So first of all let's install mercurial.

Afterwards we can clone the sources using the following command:

Installing the dependencies

To be able to build Löve2D we need some packages from the repository:

Building And Installing

Now we change our working directory to the cloned sources and running a few commands to prepare our build environment:

This should take 10-15 minutes. Afterwards we can install Löve2D to our machine using the following command:

Use this to run Löve2D:

And that's all! I will write a tutorial in the future on how to use Löve2D so come by from time to time.